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tactile grip force and pressure measurement

Tactile Grip Force and Pressure Sensing


The Gripsystem measures and evaluates static and dynamic pressures from grasping objects. The Grip system uses a thin, high-resolution, tactile pressure sensor that can be used directly on a hand or built into a glove. The system provides detailed pressure profiles, forces, and graphical displays for quantitative analysis of various haptic applications. Whether used to improve design for a more ergonomically sound product, study carpal tunnel and repetitive motion syndrome, or analyze the human hold on various tools and sports equipment, the Grip system is an ideal tool for pressure and force measurement.

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  • Hits:768  Entry Time:3/8/2012 【Print this page】 【Close
    Copyright: Suzhou Long-Show Photoelectric Technology Inc. Tel :86-512 -51910068
    Pressure and Force Measurement_Thin film Pressure Sensor_Force Sensor_thin film force sensor_Pressure
    Distribution_Dental Occlusal Analysis_Body Pressure Measurement System_Pressure Mapping