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antenna cover of Longshow moving thin film pressure sensor

Pressure distribution measurement and analysis system for automotive

antenna cover of Longshow moving thin film pressure sensor

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Keywords: Longshow dynamic film pressure sensor, pressure sensor for

automobile, flexible sensor and pressure distribution detection,

single point sensor, array, antenna cover pressure distribution



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System profile:


Longshow dynamic film pressure sensor of automobile antenna cover

pressure distribution of the detection system is for a well-known

joint venture automobile manufacturing company custom pressure

detection system, mLongshownly for detection vehicle roof antenna

cover between the installation with the top of the automobile pressure

magnitude and distribution of the system, build research and

development for the automobile antenna, production, installation to

provide scientific, reliable and accurate data, so as to ensure the

antenna cover combined with the automobile seal, firmness and no

damage to the antenna cover and the roof.


The system consists of three parts of Longshow software analysis of

thin film pressure sensor and a data acquisition and intelligent data



Double handle of Longshow moving thin film pressure sensor


Distributed sensor for Longshow moving thin film pressure sensor


system applications


The system due to the procurement and handle high resolution induction

unit, was widely used in antenna cover installation pressure size and

distribution detection, car door pressure size and distribution

detection, window window sealing pressure size and distributed

intrusion detection engine, cover Longshowrproof detection, trunk

sealing detection, tire pressure distribution and detection, and

related industries of pressure distribution detection.


Longshow moving thin film pressure sensor and door


mLongshown parameter


Induction area size: X210mm 90mm


Minimum node size: 2mmX2mm


Sensing node distribution: 52 columns X44 line X2


Induction test point: 4576


Data scanning frequency: 30ms/Frame


Overall dimension: 300mmX26mm


PET thickness: < 100um

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    Copyright: Suzhou Long-Show Photoelectric Technology Inc. Tel :86-512 -51910068
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