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Technology of Flexible Sensor

Technology of Flexible Sensor

Longshow developed its own sensing material and manufacture knowhow.  It ues its own pressure ink and screen printing facilities to make various single-point and array pressure and temperature sensors.



Applications of Flexible Sensor

-- Medical devices

-- Automobile testing

-- Pressure and temperature test systems

-- Maker education

-- R&D testing equipment

-- Wearable devices

-- Many testing, robotics, control and security monitoring applications


Sensor Designs:
1)Single-Point and Array

2)Resistive and Capacitive

3)Pressure and Temperature

Important Sensor Specs:
Repetivity; Linearity; Floating; Discrepency; Duration etc.

Four Dynamic Ranges:
Tiny Pressure:20g to 1Kg

Small Pressure:500g to 10Kg

Medium Pressure:1Kg to 30Kg

Large Pressure:10KG to 500Kg

Array Pressure Sensor and Testing System:

Array Sensors for Shoes and Feet Detection:



Single-Point and Multi-Point Pressure Sensors:

TeePaper for Dental Applications:



Longshow Inc.

Address:No. 11 Sihai Rd. Room 5-104, Changshu Economy Park, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China



Flexible Sensors
Resistive Pressure Senosr; Capacitive Pressure Sensor

Resistive Temperature Sensor; Capacitive Temperature Sensor

Sensor OEM

Paper Circuit for Makers

Working with Cell/PAD/PC:S Paper Circuit;  M Paper Circuit

Working with Arduino Program:A Paper Circuit;  E Paper Circuit

Smart Robotics: R1 Robot;  R2 Robot

  • On a product: Paper Circuit for Makers

  • Next product: Smart film pressure sensor
  • Hits:1176  Entry Time:9/23/2017 【Print this page】 【Close
    Copyright: Suzhou Long-Show Photoelectric Technology Inc. Tel :86-512 -51910068
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