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Security solutions

Security solutions

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people's demand for the comfort of family life is becoming more and more intense. People tend to consider the safety of home in the first place. This kind of smart home is mainly composed of visual intercom door machine and various detectors, which is connected to the smart home management machine. Once the alarm button is triggered, the smart home receives the signal and alarms to remind users ?



In the smart home market, there is no doubt that the highest level of consumer acceptance is the security system. A complete security system includes alarm system, video monitoring and visual intercom.


After many years of experience, this solution is applied to human body infrared sensor products. We strongly recommend that you use the following models of products. BS612

Intelligent infrared sensor bs412 (digital dual plug-in package)


Infrared sensor d203b (analog dual plug-in package)


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