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b alert software
Products Diagnostics Sleep ProfilerAssess Sleep Architecture & ContinuitySleep Profiler PSG2Unattended PolysomnographyPoSASPositional Sleep Assessment System Therapy Night Shift TherapyPositional Sleep Apnea TherapyApnea GuardTrial/Temporary Oral Appliance Neurotechnology B-Alert X-SeriesWireless EEG SystemB-Alert EEG SoftwareEEG Software SolutionsSTAT X-Series EEGNeurological AssesssmentEEG Partners & IntegrationSERVICESClinical TrialsEEG solutions for pharmaceutical, therapeutic device, and other research trialsResearchEEG Research ServicesApplicationsBiomarkersNeuromarketingHuman Performance EnhancementFatigue Management & SafetyBrain-Computer InterfaceTeam NeurodynamicsABOUT UsOur CompanyEvents & NewsPublications Contact USHome ProductsSleep ProfilerSleep Profiler PSG2PoSASNight Shift TherapyApnea GuardB-Alert X-SeriesB-Alert EEG SoftwareSTAT X-SeriesServicesClinical TrialsResearchApplicationsBiomarkersNeuromarketingHuman PerformanceFatigue Management & SafetyBrain-Computer InterfaceTeam NeurodynamicsAbout UsOur CompanyEvent & NewsPublicationsContact X-Series Software ================= B-Alert LiveLabXContact Us B-Alert Live software combines real-time and off -line processing and analysis tools. The real-time graphical user interface displays Cognitive State and Workload metric gauges over time and EEG heat maps for data visualization.Raw and automated decontamination data streams are available for viewing in real-time and off -line. The software development kit (SDK) allows accurate synchronization and integration of raw, decontaminated and/or Metric data streams to support a range of closed-loop solutions. Key Features * Automatic Signal Decontamination (EMG, EOG, spikes, Saturations, and excursions) in addition to raw data * Real-time Cognitive State Metrics for measuring subject?? engagement & drowsiness levels * Real-time Cognitive Workload Metric for measuring subject?? mental effort * Visualization & Presentation GUI * Comprehensive EDF Output Files * Integration APIs for Auto-Decon & All Metrics * Supports MP4 Video Recording / Remote Video Monitoring Offline Analysis Platform LabX is a highly flexible and comprehensive software suite of analysis tools for all X-Series applications. With a look and feel inspired by MATLAB, the easy-to-use scripting interface and GUI provides efficient means for assessing techniques throughout various forms of EEG analyses. This offline analysis platform supports multi-file batch processing and analysis of 3rd party EDF-format-ted files. Key Features * Custom scripting interface * Library of analysis commands developed by ABM research team * Multi-file batch processing * Advanced Event Related Analyses * Support new attention test & emotional faces test * Empathy Metrics * Frontal Asymmetry Analysis (motivation) * Affective State Classifier (X24 only) * EEGLab File Conversion * F-Measure performance metric combining speed & accuracy * Export Errors Get in touch Contact UsProductsNewsletter Signup * Sleep Profiler * Sleep Profiler PSG2 * B-Alert X-Series EEG * Stat X-Series Wireless EEG * Night Shift Sleep Positioner * Apnea Guard * PoSAS Resources EmailThank you! Your submission has been received!Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. * Applications * Publications * Privacy Policy * Terms of Use * Career Opportunities * Symbol Glossary * Warranty Information * MDSAP ISO 13485 Certificate * EN ISO 13485 Certificate * EC Certificate & Extension Letter * FCOI Suzhou Longshow, http://www.batterypaper.com 100 (+86)-18900616086 Suzhou Longshow, http://www.batterypaper.com Phone: (+86) 18900616086 TEL: (+86) 512-51910068 ? 2020-2023 Suzhou Longshow, http://www.batterypaper.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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