 You are here >> All products >> Pressure Mapping Systems >> Car Industry >> Longshow dynamic film pressure transducer
Product Code:
Longshow dynamic film pressure transducer

Keywords: Longshow dynamic film pressure sensor, flexible sensors,

pressure distribution detection, array, Longshow dynamic single point

sensor, Longshow dynamic perioral force sensor


No title -1


Product introduction:


Longshow dynamic film pressure transducer perioral force sensor is a

famous domestic Stomatological Hospital of custom, the sensor includes

five pressure detection unit, the flexible good 35 mu m thickness of

pet substrate, overall thickness is equal to or less than 100 m

interface may be the FPC interface and metal terminal interface is

adopted for, for client applications to provide more interface



With the Longshow dynamic development of hardware acquisition module

and intelligent software system analysis, the whole system to

recording, the recording, export, test the mouth bite muscle pressure

changes, and images, 3D and curve display. For oral care, diagnosis

provides professional, accurate data support for oral mechanics

research provides a more comprehensive and reliable solutions.


Oral force detection sensor for Longshow moving thin film pressure


  • On a product: The single point sensor of the single point sensor

  • Next product: single point pressure sensor in smart LED
  • Hits:1141  Entry Time:2/11/2016 【Print this page】 【Close
    Copyright: Suzhou Long-Show Photoelectric Technology Inc. Tel :86-512 -51910068
    Pressure and Force Measurement_Thin film Pressure Sensor_Force Sensor_thin film force sensor_Pressure
    Distribution_Dental Occlusal Analysis_Body Pressure Measurement System_Pressure Mapping