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Infrared Thermopile Sensor ISB-TS45D


Infrared Thermopile Sensor can measure the temperature without contact by detecting the infrared energy of an object. And the higher the temperature, the more infrared energy is produced. Thermopile sensing elements consist of small thermocouples on silicon chips that absorb energy and produce output signals.

Infrared Thermopile Sensor can measure the temperature without contact by detecting the infrared energy of an object. And the higher the temperature, the more infrared energy is produced. Thermopile sensing elements consist of small thermocouples on silicon chips that absorb energy and produce output signals. ISB-TS45D Infrared Thermopile Sensor can be widely used in non-contact temperature measurement. This product consists of infrared filters, thermistors, and other components, and packaged by TO-46Made of metal, it has high reliability and high sensitivity.

SuZhou LongShow is the only company in China with independent capability of chip design,
TO Package line and core optical filter with supporting industrialization.

SuZhou LongShow Industry
At present, SuZhou LongShow has its own sensor encapsulation capacity of tens of millions every year and its own filter production line, making the thermopile sensor can be widely used in the temperature and gas detection (CH4, CO2 detector has been widely applied to infrared gas sensor by market). It can meet their own and the special needs of industry customers.

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Sensing and Sharing the Smart of Life
SuZhou LongShow applies the thermopile infrared sensor in the smart home appliance, security guard against theft, smart lamps, the internet of things and other new products.

Smart Home Appliance
In recent years, smart home has begun step by step into more and more ordinary families. A complete set of intelligent systems generally include security, telephone, video, air conditioning, lighting and other major subsystems. Movies of the intelligent way of life and work is no longer far away.

Safety and Security
Human infrared sensor products apply in security systems. In an area where life may not approach or enter, the timely trigger alarms or actions to prevent human or animal from being harmed by various external forces.

Applications of Traditional Temperature Measurement
Traditional temperature measurement applies to the ear thermometer, intelligent hardware, TV temperature and many other products.

SuZhou LongShow Technology
Based on the existing technology of infrared thermopile temperature sensor, SuZhou LongShow has changed the silicon-based infrared filter band by the characteristics of the human body temperature. It can detect the static existence of the human body sensor for the intelligent hardware industry. The sensor ended the high cost, inconvenient era to detect static human existence of domestic intelligent application industry, making the most people can enjoy the wisdom of life which static human detection sensor brings.

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