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Chip clamping test

Chip clamping test

During the installation of electronic chip and radiator or wafer probe test, the unknown clamping force may lead to considerable product defects and quality problems, even reduce the output, increase the cost and reduce the waste of products.

Fps01 pressure measurement system is a key tool for diagnosis and instrument setting of clamp force and force distribution. Ultra thin (0.3 mm) sensors can be placed between any two mating surfaces, such as a radiator and its heat source or probe or wafer surface. The system allows real-time viewing of the pressure distribution between the stressed objects and the occluded object surface of the fixture. If the optimal pressure is not reached, adjustments can be made to optimize fixture design, quantify forces or determine ideal values, torque patterns and procedures. The pressure distribution measurement system can be used to optimize the production process, the pressure distribution before the test sequence or production operation, saving the company's valuable time and cost.

With the help of a highly qualified sales and engineering support team, each system can be configured to meet your specific needs.





• better fit and seal

• identify low volume machines

• improve the yield of manufactured products

• reduce cost and product loss

• provide reference data for improved design

• reduce wear on production equipment

• system flexibility - adapts to different or changing measurement requirements


• PCB manufacturing

• LCD manufacturing



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    Copyright: Suzhou Long-Show Photoelectric Technology Inc. Tel :86-512 -51910068
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